Rates & FAQs
All the info you need to get started!
Like most specialty clinicians, Megan is not in-network with insurance plans. She is able to offer superbills for out-of-network reimbursement. Click below for session rates.
$225/45 minute session
$300/60 minute session
$300/60 minute session
I am a Licensed Creative Arts Therapist (#001943) in New York State and a Licensed Professional Music Therapist (#MU00025) in Rhode Island. I offer virtual psychotherapy sessions to clients residing anywhere in those states. I offer virtual music therapy services only in Illinois (MT-BC #11375).
I always tell my clients that our sessions look a lot like a traditional talk therapy session. What makes our sessions modern and unique is the ability to utilize creative interventions - including writing, psychodrama, art, music, and mindfulness - as a way to gain deeper insight into oneself. Sometimes words may only get us so far. My goal is to help my clients have an embodied experience. Our body holds our anxiety, emotions, and traumas. It is through connection to the body that we will find a greater sense of growth and healing.
I prefer all clients to start on a weekly therapy schedule, so we can start off strong and create an effective plan to help you more quickly progress towards your goals. After a few months, we can reassess frequency of appointments.
I reserve a limited number of sliding scale slots in my schedule. If you do not believe you can afford my full fee, do not hesitate to reach out.
I do not accept in-network insurance. As an out-of-network provider, many of my clients use out-of-network insurance benefits to receive partial reimbursement for therapy services. You will be responsible for paying for each session in full, then I will provide you with a monthly superbill to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. To learn whether you qualify for out-of-network reimbursement, reach out to your insurance provider directly.
As of January 1, 2022, a new federal law called the No Surprises Act was enacted to protect those who do not have insurance or are enrolled in a plan, but are paying out-of-pocket for services.
The No Surprises Act, was designed to provide transparency and clarity around fees in order to prevent being surprised by large medical bills. This happens through a Good Faith Estimate, which is an upfront estimate given by your health care provider that lists services and associated expected/estimated charges you may incur as a part of your care.
As an out-of-network provider, Megan will provide you with a Good Faith Estimate prior to the start of treatment. This estimate is for your information only, it does not involve any obligation or commitment.
To learn more about your rights under this act, please visit: https://www.cms.gov/nosurprises/consumers ; https://www.cms.gov/files/document/nosurpriseactfactsheet-final508.pdf
If after reviewing this estimate and engaging in treatment you believe you have been wrongly billed, you have the following options:
Contact your health provider directly to let them know your billed charges are higher than the Good Faith Estimate; ask them to update the bill, negotiate the bill, or if financial assistance is available
Contact Megan at 646-606-2287 or megan@resonatepsychotherapy.com