1:1 Holistic Coaching

I’m ready to help you finally rewrite your story.

As your coach, I will be your partner in your trauma healing journey, safely guiding you to embrace self-compassion, find peace & calm in your body, release shame & create safe, deep relationships.


Trauma can leave you feeling disconnected from yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you. You may struggle with overwhelming emotions, negative self-beliefs, and feelings of tension in your body.

You’ve been through so much. Remember, healing is possible.

Through holistic trauma recovery coaching, we can embark on a journey together to:

Build safety and regulation in your body and nervous system. Learn tools to manage stress, anxiety, and overwhelming emotions.

Process and release trauma in an embodied, safe and supportive space.

Uncover and rewrite limiting beliefs holding you back.

Reconnect with your authentic self and rediscover your strength, power & playfulness.

Develop healthy coping mechanisms for life's challenges.

Cultivate warm, safe & cozy relationships built on trust, vulnerability and connection.

My approach is holistic, addressing the integration of the mind & body. Trauma gets processed in the body, so it must be healed in the body. You will learn, practice & integrate the most modern & effective trauma-healing techniques, including: breathwork, somatic exercises, parts work, inner child exploration, creative self-expression, mindfulness practices & shadow work.

 Frequently Asked Questions

+ What are the logistics of 1:1 coaching?

I offer a 3 month 1:1 coaching package. We will meet for two 60 minute sessions per month (total of 6 meetings).

BONUS: You will receive my Inner Child Healing Journal, plus all recorded training and worksheets to support your process in between our meetings.

You can also select a 90 minute 1:1 coaching intensive to deep dive into the area you'd most like to explore. You'll walk away from the session with tools, skills, and a strategic plan to give you comfort, clarity and direction on your steps forward.

*Each offering includes the option to purchase additional sessions together when your initial session/s are complete if you would like to continue working together.

+ What is the investment?

The 3 month package investment is $1497. Monthly payment plans ($499/month) are also available.

The 90 minute coaching intensive is a one-time payment of $349 or 2 month payment plan of $175.

+ What is the difference between holistic trauma coaching and trauma therapy?

The biggest difference between trauma therapy & coaching is that trauma coaching is a more structured, short term process focused solely on working through your trauma experience and its impact on your emotions, body, nervous system & relationships. This may be the right option for you if you are needing more depth-focused resources and mind/body guidance to create the internal shifts you desire.

+ How do I get started?

Click the button below to apply to work with Megan!